CircleCI configuration

This page describes how to setup CircleCI version 2.0 for a project built on top of DOLFIN. Tests are run using FEniCS docker images, in particular using an image with the development version of FEniCS.

For details, see also the FEniCS Docker reference manual.

Use CircleCI 2.0. It has native support for Docker images.:

version: 2

Specify build jobs:


image specifies a Docker image with the development version of FEniCS. Inside of a container we will be using a user fenics which has an installation of FEniCS. But we will work in a different directory derived from the name of the project. The environment needs to be adjusted to allow importing C++ DOLFIN libraries and finding necessary files for just-in-time compilation. This is done because CircleCI bypasses environment setup specified in the FEniCS image.:

  - image:
    user: fenics
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /home/fenics/local/lib
      CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /home/fenics/local
working_directory: /home/fenics/fenapack

First step is checking out the source code into the working directory:

  - checkout

Then print some diagnostic information to a build log:

- run:
    name: Environment and FEniCS version info
    command: |
      python3 -c'import ffc; print(ffc.git_commit_hash(), ffc.ufc_signature())'
      python3 -c'import dolfin; print(dolfin.git_commit_hash())'

Install the project from the working directory.:

- run:
    name: Install FENaPack
    command: |
      pip3 install -v --user .

Try to import the project. That involves some just-in-time compilation which we test and measure as a separate build step.:

- run:
    name: Import FENaPack first time (JIT)
    command: python3 -c"import fenapack"

Run the unit tests using the pytest framework. By -svl options we make a test output more verbose and using --junitxml we save a test result in machine-readable format. In a later step we tell to CircleCI where the result is. CircleCI is able to provide various information based on the results on its web UI.:

- run:
    name: Unit tests
    command: py.test-3 test/unit -svl --junitxml /tmp/circle/unit.xml

Now we run parallel unit tests. This would normally be done by just prefixing a py.test command by an mpirun command. Here we wrap it in the bash instance to figure out an MPI rank number using the ${OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK:-$PMI_RANK} variable, which should work both with MPICH and OpenMPI, and use it to generate separate test result files.:

- run:
    name: Unit tests MPI
    command: >
      mpirun -n 3 bash -c '
      py.test-3 test/unit -svl
      --junitxml /tmp/circle/unit-mpi-${OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK:-$PMI_RANK}.xml

Now we run the benchmarking suite and store generated PDF files for later use. Note that we tell to a shell (note that every build step is run in a separate shell) not to exit on first failure by set +e. Instead we only want to eventually fail only on the py.test command by returning its exit code by exit $rc.:

- run:
    name: Bench
    command: |
      set +e
      py.test-3 test/bench -svl --junitxml /tmp/circle/bench.xml
      mv *.pdf /tmp/circle
      exit $rc

Now we run the regression tests implemented by a homebrew Python script We copy resulting figures to directory where CircleCI collects artifacts.:

      - run:
          name: Regression tests
          command: |
            set +e
            cd test/regression
            NP=3 python3 -u
            cd ../../demo; find -name "*.pdf" -exec cp --parents {} /tmp/circle \;
            exit $rc

# Install defcon and run test demo
      - run:
          name: Run defcon demo
          command: |
            CC=mpicc HDF5_MPI=ON pip3 install --no-cache-dir --user --no-binary=h5py h5py
            pip3 install --no-cache-dir --user git+
            python3 -c"import defcon"
            python3 demo/defcon/mesh/ 120
            cd demo/defcon && mpirun -n 2 python3
            mkdir -p /tmp/circle/defcon && cp bifurcation.pdf /tmp/circle/defcon

Finally we tell to CircleCI to store build artifacts and test results, which both can be accessed on CircleCI website.:

- store_artifacts:
    path: /tmp/circle
    destination: build

- store_test_results:
    path: /tmp/circle

Download the complete configuration file circle.yml.